Research done by Steve Viscelli featured in Time and The Atlantic

Steve Viscelli's work on the trucking industry has been in the spotlight lately. His latest book, The Big Rig: Trucking and the Decline of the American Dream, which hit stores last month has springboarded a discussion on the quality of life, work, and the pursuit of happiness in the trucking industry with both Time magazine and The Atlantic.

Time recognized Viscelli's work by looking critically at the lack of autonomy truck drivers possess. It does in-depth to investigate the reasons there is a lack of satisfaction, benefits, and most importantly, lack of compensation for such a demanding line of work.

The Atlantic looked at the overall scholarship Viscelli produced in his book. It notes that there has been an incredible decline in wages and compensation from the large-scale companies while almost forcing truck drivers to become independent contractors to be their 'own' bosses - which turns out to do more harm than good.


The Atlantic