Jere Behrman Helps to Launch 2017 Lancet Series in Mexico City

Last week Jere Behrman participated in the Mexican launch of the 2017 Lancet Series on Early Childhood Development at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. The audience was about 400 people from academia, the Mexican government (including the Ministers of Health and Finance), international organizations, and the press. Rafael Peres-Escamilla from Yale and Behrman gave the basic presentation (in Spanish) after Gilles Bergson, Director of the Sackler Institute at the New Your Academy of Science introduced us (we three are in the photo with the banner, with Rafael on the right).  This is one of about 10 launches of this series worldwide – Jere also participated in launches in India in October and in Chile in December. This the third Lancet Series on Early Childhood Development;  Behrman also was a co-author in the 2007 and 2011 Lancet Series, which have had considerable impact in making early childhood development  much higher priority on the global agenda and the agendas of many countries. The current series estimates that about 250 million children under five years of age in low- and medium-income countries are at risk of not fulfilling their potential, with substantial costs to society, and evaluates alternatives for alleviating this problem.