College Alum Donna (Doeon) Lee Helps to Create News Application with Annenberg

Donna (Doeon) Lee, College '16, is currently a Ph.D student with the Annenberg School for Communication at Penn. She's been working on an application called #Newsrooms.

#Newsrooms provides three main services: Daily Briefings, Desk Focus, and Trending.Daily Briefings deliver news articles related to the tags you set staying every hour, if there are necessary updates. Don't miss out on new stories by being alert with your Daily Briefings. In addition to hourly deliveries, Daily Briefings delivers news articles every morning, including the tags you set. It’s like your personal assistant delivering briefings of the news stories you missed out on. In delivering news articles, #Newsrooms filters out overlapping news stories in order to save your time and help you focus more on key stories that really have new features.

More information can be found here