Courtney Boen's co-authored article on health disparities for U.S.- and foreign-born Hispanics relative to U.S. born Whites and Blacks published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior

Courtney Boen's co-authored article (With Robert A. Hummer), "Longer—but Harder—Lives?: The Hispanic Health Paradox and the Social Determinants of Racial, Ethnic, and Immigrant–Native Health Disparities from Midlife through Late Life" was recently published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior.

Per the authors:

"Using data from the Health and Retirement Study (2004–2012; N = 6,581), we assess the health of U.S.- and foreign-born Hispanics relative to U.S.-born whites and blacks and examine the socioeconomic, stress, and behavioral pathways contributing to health disparities."
