
Penn Humanities Forum on Sex Lecture: Dorothy Roberts, Professor of Law and Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

"Liberating Sexuality: Starting with Black Women"
Feb 24, 2016 at - | G17 Cohen Hall, 249 S. 36th Street

R. Jean Brownlee Endowed Lectureship in Sexuality Studies:

Following on her first lecture, "What's So Dangerous about Black Women's Sexuality," Professor Roberts shifts from historical critique to fresh ideas for change in her second lecture, "Liberating Sexuality: Starting with Black Women." The struggle to liberate women’s sexuality, she argues, must begin with Black women. She considers some of the recent and ongoing sexual liberation strategies and proposes a new direction for the future.

For more information, visit: https://www.phf.upenn.edu/events/liberating-sexuality-starting-black-women.