
Center on Digital Culture and Society Launch Symposium (Will now be online)

"Social Justice and the remaking of Technological Cultures"
Apr 3, 2020 at -

This international symposium aims to foster conversations about new ways of thinking about digital technology and society. It features the high-impact research of distinguished scholars from multiple academic disciplines. Their work charts new research agendas and helps envision more socially just technological futures.

The symposium serves as the official launch of the new Center on Digital Culture and Society at the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication. Founded in July 2019, the Center on Digital Culture and Society (CDCS) supports critical, interdisciplinary scholarship and dialogue on digital culture, technology, and society. CDCS aims to create collaborative spaces for discussion and debate among academics, citizens, and activists; develop critical approaches to the study of digital culture and technology; help train new generations of digital researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and beyond; build global networks of researchers; advocate for socially just design, production, and use of digital technologies; and explore and foster new visions of digital futures through scholarship and public communication.

This symposium is free and open to the public. Registration is required.