
Penn Sociology Colloquium Series: Jerry Jacobs, Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

"A Brief History of Penn Sociology: Anniversary Dates, Continuities, and Questions for the Future"
Sep 13, 2023 at - | McNeil 150

In this presentation, Professor Jacobs will briefly sketch some highlights of the history of sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. The first Professor of Social Science at Penn – Robert Ellis Thompson – was appointed in 1874. Sociology became a major field of study in the Wharton School of Finance and Commerce in 1924 and was established as a stand-alone department in the newly-formed School of Arts and Sciences in 1974. The alignment of these three anniversaries –150, 100 and 50 years – in the 2023-2024 academic year provides us with an opportunity to review a number of noteworthy accomplishments. Examining a number of remarkable continuities, as well as revisiting some key decisions and turning points in the department’s history, may provide some context and food for thought for decisions concerning the future of the department as it faces new challenges and opportunities.