
Philip Cohen, Professor of Sociology, University of Maryland

"What Happened to the Gender Revolution?"
Feb 26, 2014 at - | McNeil Building

Philip Cohen, Professor of Sociology, University of Maryland

Philip Cohen, Professor of Sociology, has a long-standing research interest in the area of Gender, Family, and Social Change. In particular, he has published extensively on the gender division of labor within families, and between men and women outside of families. In addition to the substantive aspects of this research, he has maintained a strong interest in measurement issues in the area of household and family structure, which has included participating in Counting Couples research conferences at NICHD and consulting with the U.S. Census Bureau on household measurement issues, as well as publishing in demography and sociology journals on these questions.

In the area of Health in Social Context, Cohen has recently done research on questions related to disability and family structure and relationships. This includes work published in Pediatrics on adopted children’s disability rates, and other research on the living arrangements of children with disabilities and their families.