Panel - Gender, Sexuality & Women Studies at Penn Conference
"Race, Class, Gender and Religion"
Melissa Wilde (organizer), Sociology, Moderator
Katie ClonanRoy and Charlotte Jacobs, Education: “Towards a Model of Positive Youth Development Specific to Minority Girls: Perspectives on Development, Resilience, and Empowerment”
Sabrina Danielsen, Sociology: “Religion, Race, Class and Gender in the Politics of Abortion before Roe v. Wade”
Rachel Ellis, Sociology: “Incarceration and Intersectionality: Race/Class/Gender/Religion in a Women’s Prison”
Aliya Hamid Rao, Sociology: “The Gendered Costs of Conversion: The Case of Polygyny for Men and Women Converts to Islam”
Bethany Weed, Sociology: “‘He knows voodoo and stuff so I can’t date him!’: Gender, Religion, and Dating Dilemmas for West African Teens”