Department of Religious Studies Colloquium - Darren Sherkat, Professor of Sociology, SIU Carbondale
“Getting Beyond Believing but not Belonging"
Professor Sherkat will discuss excerpts from his new book “Changing Faith: The Dynamics and Consequences of American’s Shifting Religious Identities
Darren Sherkat is Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology at SIU Carbondale. He has published 54 articles in peer-reviewed journal and 11 chapters in edited books. His work has appeared in top general interest sociology journals like Social Forces, American Sociological Review, and Social Science Research. He has also performed considerable editorial work, and has served on the editorial boards of American Sociological Review, Social Forces and American Journal of Sociology, and is currently on the editorial boards of Social Science Research, Social Psychology Quarterly, Social Science Journal, Sociological Focus, and Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. Dr. Sherkat was editor and book review editor of Review of Religious Research from 1999-2001.