
Population Studies Center Colloquium: Alison M. Buttenheim, Associate Professor of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania

"Who's Calling the Shots? Exemptions from School-Entry Vaccine Mandates in California"
Apr 7, 2014 at - | 103 McNeil Building

Dr. Alison Buttenheim received her BA from Yale University, her MBA from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, and her PhD in Public Health from the

University of California, Los Angeles. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Office of Population Research, Princeton University and was a Robert Wood Johnson

Foundation Health & Society Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Buttenheim’s current program of research focuses on the use of behavioral economic principles
(including financial incentives and intrinsic rewards) to encourage behavior change and take-up of preventive care services in the area of maternal-child health.
She has active projects on vaccine hesitancy and vaccine refusal in the US; and on increasing participation in community health programs in Peru.