
Program on Race, Science & Society Inaugural Symposium

"The Future of Race and Science: Regression or Revolution?"
Apr 11, 2014 at - | Penn Museum, William Lecture Hall 3260 South Street

Featuring Penn Sociology's Tukufu Zuberi and Dorothy Roberts.   https://africana.sas.upenn.edu/future-race-and-science-regression-or-revolution   Schedule: 9:00-9:15--Introductions 9:15-10:30--Panel 1: "The Crisis of Race in Science, Past and Present" Moderator--Tukufu Zuberi; Panelists--Kim TallBear and Harriet Washington 10:45-12:00--Panel 2: "Teaching About Race in Science and Medicine" Moderator--TBA; Panelists--Evelynn Hammonds and Jonathan Metzl   12:00--Lunch    12:45-2:00--Panel 3: "Using Race in Research and Biotechnologies" Moderator--Alondra Nelson; Panelists--Jonathan Marks and Charles Rotimi 2:00-3:00--Plenary session 3:00-3:30--Reception