
Population Studies Center Colloquium: Sonia Bhalotra, Professor of Economics, University of Essex

"Fertility Responses to Infant and Maternal Mortality: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Early 20th Century America"
Apr 14, 2014 at - | 103 McNeil Building

Sonia Bhalotra is Professor in the Department of Economics and a member of the Senior Management Teams of the Centre for Market and Public Organization and the Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research in Bristol. Her current membership of scientific committees includes the Council of the European Society of Population Economics, the International Review Panel of the Danish Council for Independent Research, the Advisory Board of Academics Stand Against Poverty (Yale), the International Scientific Advisory Board of the Centre for Modern Indian Studies in Gottingen University, the British Academy Area Panel for South Asia, the Assessment Panel for the ESRC Future Research Leaders Scheme and the ESRC Peer Review College. She is a Research Fellow at SFI Denmark, IZA Bonn, CHILD Turino, CSAE Oxford and QEH Oxford and she spent 2011-2012 as a Visiting Professor in Oxford. She has contributed policy relevant research to several international organizations and is a member of the IGC India network. Sonia holds an MPhil and a DPhil from Oxford and a BSc from Delhi.