Nikkil Sudharsanan - "School Breakfast Participation and Obesity among American Middle School Children"
Thomas Anderson - "Untangling Puzzles: Socioeconomic Development, Gender Equity, and Low Fertility"
Bochen Cao - "Estimating the Effects of Weight and Weight Change Using a Dynamic Causal Model"
Stephen Cranney - "Religion as a moderator in the fertility/happiness relationship"
Arun Hendi - "On the Measurement of Educational Gradients in Mortality"
Li-chung Hu - "Protection or Selection for Marital Transition and Self-Rated Health? Evidence from China"
Ning Hsieh - "Explaining the Mental Health Disparity by Sexual Orientation: The Importance of Social Resources"
Theresa Fedor - "Changing Attitudes and Beliefs towards HIV/AIDS: The Effect of Differential Exposure to HIV Prevention Programs"