
American Society of Bioethics and Humanities Meeting: Hasting's Center Becheer Award Lecture by Renee Fox

"Moving Bioethics Toward its Better Self: A Sociological Perspective."
Oct 24, 2015 at - | Hilton Americas; Houston, TX

The lecture will be presented on Renee Fox's behalf by Alexander Capron, Professor of Law and Medicine (University of Southern California). Renee will introduce the lecture via a short videotape. 

"Sociologist Renee Fox has been a deeply insightful, and an often critical, observer of American bioethics. From Experiment Perilous, her examination of ethical dilemmas inherent in treating gravely ill patients with experimental interventions, to Doctors without Borders, which analyzes how this humanitarian organization confronts ethical choices, her analyses call into question much bioethics dogma and challenge those in the field to develop greater self-criticism. This session will include her lecture and a brief video examining her transformative influence."