
Social Interaction and Theory: A Conference in Honor of Randall Collins

"Social Interaction and Theory: A Conference in Honor of Randall Collins" (DAY 1 OF 2)
Apr 7, 2016 at - | Hall of Flags, Houston Hall

Randall Collins Conference Website

9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Cultural Theory and Interaction Ritual:

Welcome: Emilio Parrado, Chair, Department of Sociology
                    Annette Lareau, Department of Sociology

Chair: Robin Wagner-Pacifici, New School for Social Research

Jonathan Turner, University of California, Santa Barbara
“The Strength of a Weak Program, and the Weakness of a Strong Program, in Cultural Analysis.”

Erika Summers-Effler and Justin Van Ness, Notre Dame
“An Interaction Ritual Approach to Involvement”

Coffee Break: 10:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

11:00 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. Violence as it Really Happens:
Chair: Amada Armenta, University of Pennsylvania

Philippe Bourgois, University of California, Los Angeles
“The Concrete Killing Fields of Philadelphia: Ethnographic Accounts of Forward Panics, Ritual Chains and the Political Economy of the Puerto Rican Colonial Diaspora”

Elijah Anderson, Yale University
“Police Violence and the Iconic Ghetto”

12:40 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Lunch break: On your own!

2:00 p.m. to 3:40 p.m. Theorizing Violence and Peace-making:
Chair: Melissa Wilde, University of Pennsylvania

David Gibson, Notre Dame
“Talking about the Enemy: Emotions, World views, and Power in the Generation of Violence”

Donald Black, University of Virginia,
“Violence and Moral Time.”

Meredith Rossner, London School of Economics and Political Science
"Rituals of empowerment in criminal justice"

Coffee Break: 3:40 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

4:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. Situational Interaction
Chair: David Grazian, University of Pennsylvania

Paul DiMaggio, New York University,
“Interaction Ritual Chains On-Line”

Alice Goffman, University of Wisconsin, Madison
“Catalytic Situations”

Audience Discussion on today’s topics

5:45 p.m. Wine and cheese, Toasts

9:00 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Discrimination and Circuits of Stratification:

Chair: Jerry Jacobs, University of Pennsylvania

Michèle Lamont, Harvard University
“Getting Respect and Randall Collins’ Intellectual Legacy: The Micro Foundations of Cultural Processes of Inequality”

Viviana Zelizer, Princeton University, and Lauren Gaydosh, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
“College Circuits: A Case of Situational Stratification?”

Simone Polillo, University of Virginia
“Creative Networks and the Determinants of Intellectual Recognition”

Coffee Break: 10:40 a.m. to 11 a.m.

11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Summing Up:
Chair: Annette Lareau, University of Pennsylvania

Randall Collins, "What Has Micro-sociology Accomplished?"