
Dorothy Roberts as Keynote Speaker - University of Delaware 9th Annual Graduate Student Conference

"Making Connections: Creating Change." An Interdisciplinary Social Science Collaboration
Apr 17, 2015 at - | University of Delaware, Perkins Student Center, Rodney Room

Dorothy Roberts will be the Keynote Speaker at the 9th Annual Graduate Student Conference at the University of Delaware. This year's conference will feature the research graduate and undergraduate students from the University of Delaware and surrounding schools. Attendees will benefit from the opportunity to network with other local scholars in related disciplines. Sponsored by the University of Delaware Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice.

Conference - 9:00AM-2:00PM
Reception: 2:30PM - 4:00PM

(Reception will be held at Klondike Kate's, 158 Main Street, Newark DE)

To register, visit: https://delaware.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cupp8cmhPpjsK4B