
Penn Sociology Colloquium Series: Internal Professors of the Sociology Department

Brief Snapshots of Research - See titles in Description!
Mar 22, 2023 at - | McNeil 150

Courtney Boen, Assistant Professor and Axilrod Faculty Fellow in Sociology and Graduate Group in Demography, Talk title: "The Scars of Legal Violence: Local immigration enforcement, state immigrant policy, & population health inequality”

Lance Freeman, Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor of City and Regional Planning, and Sociology, Talk title: "Where Do They Go? Outcomes of Residents Moving from Gentrifying Neighborhoods"

Roberto Gonzales, Richard Perry University Professor in Sociology and the Graduate School of Education, Talk title: "Rethinking Immigrant Integration in a New Era of Immigration Policy"

Xi Song, Associate Professor of Sociology and Demography, Talk Title: "When Occupations Disappear: Changing Job Opportunities and Job Mobility in the U.S. Labor Market"

Melissa Wilde, Professor and Chair of Sociology, Talk Title: “Examining Support for Hitler in American Religious Groups”