Past Events

Population Studies Center: Charles Loeffler

"Processed as an Adult: A Regression Discontinuity Estimate of the Crime Effects of Charging Juveniles as Adults"
Sep 9, 2013 at -

Charles Loeffler, Jerry Lee Assistant Professor of Criminology - University of Pennsylvania, Department of Criminology

Race, Ethnicity & Immigration: Sebastian Cherng

Practice Job Talk
Sep 6, 2013 at -

Sebastian Cherng, joint Ph.D. Candidate in Education Policy and Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation
Aug 27, 2013 at -

If you are around campus, or just want to say hello to new students (5 demography students, 11 Sociology students, plus 4 Sociology joints), please come and join us during the orientation breakfast.

Children and Parents of Immigrant Families in South Korea

Children and Parents of Immigrant Families in South Korea
Aug 7, 2013 at -

The one-day workshop on Children and Parents of Immigrant Families in South Korea is organized in cooperation with ELMM (Asia-Pacific Education, Language Minorities and Migration) network at Penn. If you plan to…

Faculty Meeting (Standing Faculty Only)

Faculty Meeting (Standing Faculty Only)
May 8, 2013 at -

Faculty Meeting (Standing Faculty Only); review of graduate students.

CSCC Annual Conference: “China’s Challenges: The Road Ahead”

“China’s Challenges: The Road Ahead”
Apr 25, 2013 - Apr 26, 2013 at -

Four panels, papers presented by twelve leading scholars followed by comments from expert discussants and open Q&A. For details, see the…

Population Studies Center: Anil B. Deolalikar

"Does a Legal Ban on Sex-Selective Abortions Improve Child Sex Ratios? Evidence from a Policy Change in India"
Apr 22, 2013 at -

Anil B. Deolalikar, Associate Dean, Professor of Economics, Co-Director, One Health Center of the UC Global Health Institute Director, Center for…

Education and Inequality: Radha Modi

"A Lack of Intimacy?: Quality of Immigrant Parent School-based Social Capital and its Impact on Immigrant Student Educational Outcomes"
Apr 22, 2013 at -

Radha Modi, PhD Student, Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

Coffee and bagels will be provided.

Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration: Tiffany Joseph

"Falling through the 'Universal' Coverage Cracks: Latino Immigrants' Healthcare Access in Boston"
Apr 19, 2013 at -

Robert Wood Johnson Fellow

Harvard University

Sociology Happy Hour

Sociology Happy Hour (graduate students only)
Apr 18, 2013 at -