Past Events

Education and Inequality Works in Progress Meeting: Ellen Bryer, PhD student in Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

Discussion of Spencer Fellowship application
Sep 19, 2022 at -

For those unable to come in person, please register for access to the Monday E&I Works-in-Progress Zoom link …

China's Two-Child Policy and the Gender Implication

Yuying Tong, Professor of Sociology, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sep 16, 2022 at -

The universal two-child policy since 2016 in China did not lead to a significant increase in fertility, and the new three-child policy in 2021 has also become a hard sell. Many public debates have discussed the…

Culture, Ethnography, and Interaction Workshop: Jack Thornton, PhD Candidate in Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

“Power Takes Practice: How Elite College Students Learn to Manage One Another”
Sep 16, 2022 at -

Center for Latin American & Latinx Studies Presents: Unpacking Latino Conservatism

Author-meets-critic conversation between historian Geraldo Cadava & political scientist Michael Jones-Correa | Moderator: Chenoa Flippen, Professor of Sociology
Sep 15, 2022 at -

Symposium on Ancestry DNA Testing: Seeking Roots and Uncovering Secrets

Other Events
Wendy Roth, Professor of Sociology
Sep 15, 2022 at -

Over the last few years, millions of people have turned to direct-to-consumer genomics companies to learn more about their genes, their health risks, their family histories, and their…

Penn Sociology Colloquium Series: Jerry Jacobs, Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

"The Internationalization of Sociology"
Sep 14, 2022 at -

This presentation will present an overview of the academic publication system in the field of sociology, drawing on highlights from several recent papers in this area, including:  

Faculty Meeting (Standing Faculty only)

Other Events
Sep 7, 2022 at -

Pizza Lunch for SOCI Senior Majors!

Sep 1, 2022 at -



Education and Inequality Workshop: TBA

Jun 13, 2022 at

Family and Gender Workshop: TBA

Jun 13, 2022 at