Past Events

Education & Inequality: Penn Sociology faculty panel

Decoding the Peer Review Process
Nov 4, 2016 at -

Emily Hannum (Professor of Sociology)
Jerry Jacobs (Professor of Sociology)
Annette Lareau (Professor of Sociology)

Moderator: Hyunjoon…

Penn Sociology Major and Minor Dinner

Nov 2, 2016 at -

Please RSVP by 10/31/2016 at 5PM. More information can be found here.

Faculty Meeting (Standing Faculty Only)

Nov 2, 2016 at -

Education & Inequality: Works-in-Progress Meeting

Nov 2, 2016 at -

Schedule/ Sign-up to speak here.

PSC Colloquium Series: Asad L. Asad, Ph.D Candidate in Sociology, Harvard University

"The Risk of Deportation and the Paradox of Structural Incorporation"
Oct 31, 2016 at -

Medical Sociology: Gina Lovasi, Dornsife Associate Professor of Urban Health & Co-Director of the Urban Health Collaborative, Drexel University

“Controversies in selecting a cluster definition: model-based and design-based perspectives on when and why to account for non-independence in studies of context”
Oct 28, 2016 at -

The Renee C. Fox lecture in Medicine, Culture and Society: Ernest Drucker, Professor Emeritus of Family and Social Medicine (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, CUNY)

"Decarcerating America: From Mass Punishment to Public Health"
Oct 28, 2016 at -

The Renee C. Fox lecture in Medicine, Culture and Society will be held on Friday, October 28, 2016 at 12:00 PM in the Flyers/76ers Surgery Theatre at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.


Education & Inequality: Works-in-Progress Meeting

Oct 26, 2016 at -

Schedule/ Sign-up to speak here.

PSC Colloquium Series: Abigail Sewell, Assistant Professor Sociology, Emory University

"Separate and Unequal: Race and the Mortgage Market Imprints of Breath"
Oct 24, 2016 at -