Past Events

Media Activism Research Collective (MARC) Works in Progress Meeting

Guobin Yang, “An Invitation to Digital Asceticism, or The Radicalism of Everyday Digital Lives”
Oct 7, 2019 at -

Abstract: This is an invitation to a moderated discussion about how to cope with the risks and vulnerabilities of our everyday digital living, in association with the “Stories of Digital Radicals” project of the…

Culture, Ethnography, and Interaction: Raka Sen, Graduate Student in Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

“Adaptation Labor: Gender, Work and Climate Change in the Sundarbans”
Oct 4, 2019 at -

Education & Inequality Works-in-Progress Meeting

Oct 1, 2019 at -

Education & Inequality: Manuel S. González Canché, Associate Professor, Penn GSE

Geographical Bias in Standardized Testing: Is Cultural and Socioeconomic Bias a Problem of the Past or Are We Simply Not Looking in the Right Space?
Sep 27, 2019 at -

Penn Sociology Colloquium Series: Marco Garrido, Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Chicago

“The Patchwork City: Class, Space, and Politics in Metro Manila”
Sep 25, 2019 at -

Education & Inequality Works-in-Progress Meeting

David Kirui, Race, Student Debt, and Labor Market Outcomes at For Profit Colleges
Sep 24, 2019 at -

Culture, Ethnography, and Interaction: Ashleigh Cartwright, Graduate Student in Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

“He Was Always Neat and Clean’: Selection Practices for Integrating Historically-White Schools”
Sep 20, 2019 at -

Faculty Meeting (Standing Faculty Only)

Sep 18, 2019 at -

Education & Inequality Works-in-Progress Meeting

Kennan Cepa, AERA Dissertation Fellowship Draft
Sep 17, 2019 at -