Past Events

Education and Inequality Works-in-Progress Meeting

Phoebe Ho, Taking the Long View: Family Educational Histories and Student Educational Outcomes in Immigrant and Native Families
Feb 28, 2019 at -

Cynthia Miller-Idriss (Professor of Education and Sociology at American University) Book Talk

The Extreme Gone Mainstream: Commercialization and Far Right Youth Culture in Germany
Feb 27, 2019 at -

Penn Sociology Colloquium Series: Stefanie A. Deluca, James Coleman Professor of Sociology & Social Policy, Johns Hopkins University

“Coming of Age in the Other America”
Feb 27, 2019 at -

PSC Colloquium Series: Ken Robert Smith, Professor, The University of Utah

The Long Harm of Childhood: Adult Mortality and Health Effects of Early Life Adversity in the Utah Population Database
Feb 25, 2019 at -

Culture, Ethnography, and Interaction: Iddo Tavory, Associate Professor of Sociology, New York University

Curating Goods: Advertising, pro bono, and the alignment of goods
Feb 22, 2019 at -

Education and Inequality Works-in-Progress Meeting

Wensong Shen; “A Tangled Web: The Mutual Relationship between Depression and Educational Outcomes in China”
Feb 21, 2019 at -

MARC Workshop

Branding Right-Wing Activism: The News Media and the Tea Party
Feb 21, 2019 at -

The Media Activism Research Collective (MARC) will be hosting Dr. Khadijah White (Rutgers University) on Thursday, February 21st…

Penn Sociology Colloquium Series: Adia Harvey Wingfield, Professor of Sociology, Washington University in St. Louis

“Professional Work in a ‘Post-Racial’ Era: Black Professionals in the New Economy”
Feb 20, 2019 at -

PSC Colloquium Series: Janna Johnson, Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota

The U.S. Census Undercount of Native-born Children: Estimates and Implications
Feb 18, 2019 at -

Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration: Verónica Montes, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Co-director of Latin American Iberian and Latina/o Studies, Bryn Mawr College

Stuck in Tijuana: the Caravan at the closed gate of the US
Feb 15, 2019 at -

This presentation aims to describe what happened to thousands of participants from the Central American Caravan once they reached the US-Mexico border in Tijuana. Specifically, Montes will examine the challenges they…