Past Events

MARC Event - Mengyang Zhao (Sociology) and Irina Trocan (Film Studies)

Work in Progress Lunch
Nov 16, 2017 at -

More information about the event can be found here.

Penn Sociology Colloquium Series: Benjamin Shestakofsky, Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology, University of California, Berkeley

Working Algorithms: Software Automation and the Future of Work
Nov 15, 2017 at -

PSC Colloquium Series: Juliet Schor, Professor of Sociology, Boston College

Structural Drivers of Carbon Emissions: new research on domestic inequality and time use
Nov 13, 2017 at -

Education & Inequality: Alec Gershberg, Senior Lecturer in Sociology & Urban Studies, Senior Fellow, Penn GSE, International Educational Development Program, University of Pennsylvania

“The Political Economy of Education Reform in Developing Countries”
Nov 10, 2017 at -

Campaign for Community: Book Talk; Yung-Yi Diana Pan, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Brooklyn College - CUNY

"Incidental Racialization: A Talk on Systemic Inequalities Faced by Asian and Latino Law Students",
Nov 9, 2017 at -

Education & Inequality: Works-in-Progress Meeting

Calvin Zimmermann; Practice job talk: "Beyond Bad Boys: Everyday Discrimination and the Racialization of School Disciplinary Practices in Early Childhood"
Nov 7, 2017 at -

Penn Sociology Colloquium Series: Linsey Edwards, Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology and Social Policy, Princeton University

"Poverty, Place and Time Constraints"
Nov 6, 2017 at -

Culture, Ethnography, and Interaction: Alexander Hoppe, Ph.D. Candidate, Penn Sociology

“Are Your All-American Jeans Made in India? Durkheim and the Double Myth of the Designer"
Nov 3, 2017 at -