Past Events

Faculty Meeting (Standing Faculty Only)

Feb 11, 2015 at -

Faculty to Faculty Lunch Discussion led by Melissa Wilde and Paul Sniegowski

"Promoting Academic Integrity and Preventing Cheating"
Feb 10, 2015 at -

Melissa Wilde of Sociology and Paul Sniegowski of Biology will lead a Faculty-to-Faculty Lunch discussion, Promoting Academic Integrity and Preventing Cheating. Sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning, this…

PSC Colloquium: Aline Désesquelles, Research Associate - Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques (INED)

"Multiple cause-of-death approach: A promising tool for the analysis of mortality"
Feb 9, 2015 at -

Race, Ethnicity and Immigration: Elizabeth Vaquera, Associate Professor, Sociology University of South Florida

"What does it mean to be an American? Undocumented youth's perceptions of belonging"
Feb 6, 2015 at -

Penn Program on Race, Science and Society Lecture: Peter Chow-White

"Big Data, Race and Communication"
Feb 4, 2015 at -

**This event is co-sponosored with the Annenberg School for Communication and the Department of Genetics at the Perelman School of Medicine**

Adam D. Reich, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Columbia University

"Contradictions in the Commodification of Hospital Care (and Other Things)"
Feb 4, 2015 at -

PSC Colloquium: Jennifer Karas Montez, Assistant Professor of Sociology - Case Western Reserve University

"When Geography and Gender Collide: Explaining Variation in Adult Mortality among U.S. States"
Feb 2, 2015 at -

Media Activism Research Collective (MARC) Meeting

Feb 2, 2015 at -

Education & Inequality Workshop: Matthew McKeever, Visiting Professor of Sociology and Dept. Chair, Haverford College

"Educational Attainment in Post-apartheid South Africa"
Jan 30, 2015 at -