
PSC Colloquium: Student PAA Presentations/Practice Talks

Apr 20, 2015 at - | 103 McNeil Building

Student PAA Presentations/Practice Talks

Nikkil Sudharsanan PhD Candidate - University of Pennsylvania
"Understanding Variation in Health-Related Behaviors: Evidence from American Twins"

Thomas Anderson PhD Candidate - University of Pennsylvania
"Gender Ideology and Fertility Trends in the United States: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979"

Edith Y. Gutierrez-Vazquez PhD Candidate - University of Pennsylvania
"Feeling Depressed in a Foreign Country: Mental Health Status of Mexican Migrants in Durham, NC"

Arun S. Hendi PhD Candidate - University of Pennsylvania
"The Dynamics of Assortative Mating and the Survivorship of Marriages"