Sociology Welcome Reception 2023

Last week the Sociology Department had a reception to welcome new and current students to the department for the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semester! Melissa Wilde, Chair and Professor of Sociology, shared the most recent awards from Ph.D. students as well as faculty! Please see complete list below.


Award Winners (Faculty + Ph.D. Candidates and Students):

Irma Elo

Professor Elo has been elected as the President of the Population Association of America.(link is external)The Population Association of America is an interdisciplinary association of demographers that supports and promotes high-quality population research.


Kai Feng 

Kai's paper,"Unequal Duties and Unequal Retirement: Decomposing the Women's Labor Force Decline in Post Reform China(link is external)" received two honorable mentions as best student paper from ASA 2023 in the Sociology of Population Section, as well as the Asia and Asian American Section of ASA.


Olivia Hu

Olivia was awarded the winner of the 2023 Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award, for, “Racialized Romance: Rethinking Preferences and Opportunities in a Comparative Analysis of East Asian Women’s Mating Outcomes.” for the Society for the Study of Social Problems. She also received an Honorable Mention for the 2023 Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities James E. Blackwell Graduate Student Paper Award for her paper, “Let’s Talk About Race, Baby: How Interracial and Interethnic Relationships Influence East Asian Women’s Racial Ideologies.”


Paula Fomby

Professor Fomby's co-authored paper, "Interlinking structural racism and heteropatriarchy: Rethinking family structure’s effects on child outcomes in a racialized, unequal society(link is external)", published in the Journal of Family, Theory, & Review won the Family Section Article of the Year Award at the 2023 ASA.


Lance Freeman 

Professor Freeman received the Social Science History Association Founder’s Prize for the best paper. The paper he won this award for is titled. “Residential Segregation at the Dawn of the Great Migration: Evidence from the 1910 and 1920 Census.(link is external)


Michael Lachanski 

Michael was awarded an honorable mention Graduate Student Paper Award from Rationality and Society for his work on “The Demography of Job Instability: Evidence from the Postindustrial U.S., 1996 - 2020”, which was funded by the Otto and Gertrude K. Pollak Scholarship Fund.


Annette Lareau

Professor Lareau was awarded the Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility Robert Hauser Distinguished Scholar Award. Her book, Listening to People: A Practical Guide to Interviewing, Participant-Observation, Data Analysis, and Writing It All Up(link is external), received an “Honorable Mention” for the Distinguished Book Award from the Sociology of Methodology section.


João Victor Nery Fiocchi Rodrigues

João won the Association of Black Sociologists's Devon T. Wade graduate paper award for the paper "No Negro Citizens: Slavery and Citizenship in Comparative Perspective”


Dorothy Roberts

Professor Roberts has won the following awards over the course of 2022-2023 for her work and new book Torn Apart:(link is external) 

  • Member, American Philosophical Society (elected 2023).

  • Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (elected 2022)

  • 2023 McGovern Prize, Duke University Trent Center for Bioethics, Humanities & History of Medicine

  • 2023 North Star Award, Black Feminist Future

  • 2022 Leadership Prize, Juvenile Law Center

Torn Apart: How The Child Welfare System Destroys Black Families—And How Abolition Can Build a Safer World(link is external) received the following recognitions:

  • American Sociological Association 2022 Distinguished Scholarly Book Award, honorable mention

  • Society for the Study of Social Problems 2023 C. Wright Mills Award, finalist

  • Los Angeles Times 2022 Book Prizes, finalist Goddard Riverside Stephan Russo Book Prize for Social Justice