Angie N. Ocampo

Angie N. Ocampo is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Sociology. Her two lines of work examine Latinos’ integration into the racial hierarchy, as well as how political forces impact their incorporation. As an interdisciplinary scholar, Angie draws heavily on theories and methods in sociology, political science, social psychology, and demography to inform her work.

Angie’s dissertation focuses on the incorporation of Latinos, examining how they view the racial hierarchy, as well as how native-born Americans shape the process of social acceptance for Latinos. Her dissertation uses a novel survey experiment and other measures of acceptance to examine which boundaries are salient in shaping how Latinos are viewed by others. This research has been supported by the GAPSA-Provost Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Innovation, the Center for the Study of Ethnicity, Race and Immigration’s Turner-Schulman Graduate Fellowship, the School of Arts and Sciences' Dissertation Research Fellowship, and the department of sociology's Gertrude and Otto Pollak Summer Research Fellowship.

Angie's work has been published in Social Science Research, Latino Studies, and The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.


M.A., Sociology, University of Pennsylvania (2017)

B.A., Sociology and Ethnic Studies, Brown University (2015)


Research Interests

Latino immigrant incorporation to the U.S., racial attitudes, political incorporation, public opinion, social science methodology

Courses Taught



Selected Publications

Ocampo, Angie N. and Chenoa A. Flippen. 2020. "Re-evaluating Intergroup Dynamics in the South: Racial Attitudes Among Latino Immigrants in Durham, NC." Online first at Social Science Research. 

Ocampo, Angie N. and Angela X. Ocampo. 2020. “Disaggregating the Latina/o/x ‘Umbrella’: The Political Attitudes of US Colombians.” Latino Studies 18(3):390-419.

Parrado, Emilio A. and Angie N. Ocampo. 2019. “Continuities and Changes in the Processes of Mexican Migration and Return.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 684(1):212–26.

CV (file)