Pilar Gonalons-Pons, Ph.D.


Ph.D., Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015
M.A., International Migration, University of Deutso, 2008
B.A., Sociology, University of Barcelona, 2006

Research Interests

I am the Alber-Klingelfhofer Presidential Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, with affiliations to the Population Studies CenterGender and Sexuality Studies, and the Leonard Davis Institute for Health Economics. I have been a Visiting Scholar at the Russell Sage Foundation(link is external) (2021-2022). I received a PhD in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison(link is external) and I was a postdoc at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main(link is external), Germany.

My research examines how work, families, and public policies structure economic inequalities. Much of my work is guided by the overall goal of developing a comprehensive understanding about the political economy and gendering of paid and unpaid care and reproductive work, and to analyze the way this work shapes economic inequalities. A second important focus of my research is understanding gender culture, how it changes, and how it shapes family dynamics. My work has appeared in the American Sociological Review, Demography, Social Problems, Population Development Review, and Socio-Economic Review.

Courses Taught

I have taught courses on Sociology of Gender, Family Sociology, and Introduction to Social Statistics. I also lead graduate-level reading groups on Feminist Sociology and on Race, Gender and Capitalism (the latter co-led with Daniel A. Cohen)


Selected Publications

Miller, K., P. Gonalons-Pons, A. Kreider, N. Coe, A. Hoffman. 2024. “Medicaid Spending on Home- and Community-Based Services and the Economic Status of Home Care Workers” at Health Services Review.

Rohde, K., A. Hoffman, K., A. Kreider, P. Gonalons-Pons, K. Miller, N. Coe. 2024. “Addressing Problems with Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services in the Age of Rebalancing(link is external).” Health Affairs.

Billingsley, S., P. Gonalons-Pons, and A. Duvander. 2024. “Trends in Income Inequality between Couples in Sweden and the Contribution of Family Dynamics.” Population Development Review.

*Gonalons-Pons, P. and J. S. Quinn. 2024. “Divergent Pandemic Pathways for Paid and Unpaid Caregivers of Children.” Socius.

Moos, K.A.  and P. Gonalons-Pons. 2024. “A Comparison of the Socioeconomic and Gendered Organization of Social Reproduction in the United States and United Kingdom, 1973-2013.(link is external)” Social Politics, jxae007.

  • Selected Editor’s choice.

Gonalons-Pons, P. 2022. “Differentiated Egalitarianism: The Impact of Paid Family Leave Policy on Women’s and Men’s Paid and Unpaid Work(link is external).” Social Forces.


CV (file)
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