
Lightbulb Cafe: Emilio Parrado

"New Realities of Latin American Migration to the U.S."
Jul 29, 2014 at - | World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut Street

Latin American migration to the United States grew very rapidly during the last two decades of the 20th century. Since then, the 2007 economic recession together with stronger border enforcement and deportation policies are having a visible impact on the dynamics of the flow and even the size of the immigrant population in local areas. Professor of Sociology Emilio Parrado will highlight current demographic realities that are essential to understand and evaluate proposed changes to immigration policy.

Expert faculty from the University of Pennsylvania shed light on their research in the arts, humanities, and social sciences at the Penn Lightbulb Café. It's an evening of engaging, stimulating conversation, with a Q&A session following each talk.

Penn Café events are free and open to the public, but RSVPs are encouraged. Contact Gina Bryan at 215-898-8721 or email bryangm@pobox.upenn.edu.

Menu items are available for purchase. Happy Hour pricing from 5–7 p.m.