Past Events

Penn Sociology Colloquium Series: TBD

Mar 20, 2023 at -

Education & Inequality Works in Progress: Kenji Ishida, Associate Professor of Social Science, Tokyo University

"Educational Attainment of Immigrant Children Born in Japan: A Focus on High School Rank"
Mar 20, 2023 at -


Family and Gender Workshop: Yezhen (David) Li, PhD Candidate in Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

Other Events
"Moving/Staying with the Tide: Structural Sexism in Sending Communities and Heterogeneity in Immigrant Health Selection Effects"
Mar 17, 2023 at -

*Special Colloquium* First Annual Rex J. L. Heymann Lecture: Mario Small, Quetelet Professor of Social Science, Columbia University

"Neighborhoods, Financial Institutions, and Racial Inequality"
Mar 15, 2023 at -

Our first inaugural Rex J. L. Heymann Lecture will be given by Dr. Mario Small who is a Quetelet Professor of Social Science in the…

Education and Inequality Workshop: Elena Van Stee, PhD student in Sociology, and Alanna Gillis, Assistant Professor of Sociology St Lawrence University

"Race-Neutral is Not Race Equal: Unequal Impacts of Restrictive Covid Behavioral Policies on College Students"
Mar 13, 2023 at -

*Virtual only* Please register here: …

Asia and Asian America Working Group: Yao Lu, Professor of Sociology, Columbia University

"Anti-Asian Discrimination Two Years into The Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Survey Experiments"
Mar 2, 2023 at -

Link for event:

Penn Sociology Colloquium Series: Vida Maralani, Associate Professor of Sociology, Cornell University

"Inequalities in breastfeeding by race in the U.S. from 1930-2019: historical puzzles with intersectional answers"
Mar 1, 2023 at -

Using data from nationally representative surveys fielded between 1965 and 2019, we assemble a historical time series for breastfeeding practices by race and education for children born between 1930 to…

Penn Sociology Colloquium Series: TBD

Feb 28, 2023 at -

Quantitative Methodology Working Group: Kuo Zhao, Visiting PhD Student in Education Economics and Administration, Renmin University of China

"Polynomial Regression with Response Surface Analysis"
Feb 27, 2023 at -

Education and Inequality Works in Progress: Jaclyn Yap, Doctoral Candidate in Economics at Fordham and Visiting Student, Penn Population Studies Center

"The Effects of Repeated Exposure to Climate Disasters on Child Health: Evidence from Indonesia"
Feb 27, 2023 at -