Past Events

Center for the Study of Contemporary China: Reza Hasmath

"The Ethnic Minority Experience in China’s Urban Labor Market and the Lessons Learned for Other Jurisdictions"
Mar 19, 2013 at -

Reza Hasmath, Lecturer in Chinese Politics at the University of Oxford, and an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of…

Population Studies Center: Michael Gurven

"Parasites, infection and the human life course"
Mar 18, 2013 at -

Michael Gurven, Professor of Anthropology, Director, Evolutionary Anthropology and Biodemography Research Group - University of California, Santa…

Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration: Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman

“What’s Love Got to Do With It? Racial Features, Stigma, and Socialization in Afro-Brazilian Families”
Mar 15, 2013 at -

Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman, PhD
Department of Sociology,
University of South Florida

Economic Sociology: Daniel Beunza

"The Social Algorithms of the New York Stock Exchange"
Mar 15, 2013 at -

Daniel Beunza, London School of Economics and Political Science

Faculty Meeting (Standing Faculty Only)

Faculty Meeting (Standing Faculty Only)
Mar 13, 2013 at -

Faculty Meeting (Standing Faculty Only).

Population Studies Center: Alberto Palloni

"Standard Frailty, Barker Effects and the Path of Longevity in Latin America and the Caribbean"
Mar 11, 2013 at -

Alberto Palloni
Samuel H. Preston Professor of Population Studies, Department of Sociology - University of Wisconsin…

Culture & Interaction: Diane Vaughan

“Mistake and Error; Risk and Stress: Air Traffic Control and the Social Transformation of Risky Work"
Feb 28, 2013 at -

Diane Vaughan, Professor of Sociology, Columbia University
No paper distributed in advance.

Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo

"Gardens of Migration: Homeland Re-Creations, Community Belonging and The Democracy of Dictatorship in the Urban Community Garden"
Feb 27, 2013 at -

Professor of Sociology
University of Southern California

Victor M. Rios

"Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys"
Feb 20, 2013 at -

Associate Professor of Sociology
University of California, Santa Barbara

Culture and Interaction: Guobin Yang, Ph.D.

"Collective Violence and the Sacred in the Chinese Cultural Revolution"
Feb 15, 2013 at -

Associate Professor

Annenberg School for Communication and
Department of Sociology