Past Events

Urban Ethnography: Iddo Tavory

"On Moral Density: Street Danger and Experience in a Jewish Orthodox Neighborhood."
Dec 3, 2010 at -

Iddo  Tavory,   Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, New School for Social Research.

David Gibson

“Talk on the Brink: A Sociological Analysis of Kennedy’s Executive Committee During the Cuban Missile Crisis”
Dec 1, 2010 at -

David Gibson, University of Pennsylvania 



Complete colloquium series

Culture & Interaction: Lisa McCormick

Nov 19, 2010 at -

Lisa McCormick (Haverford), "Evaluating Performance"


Additional Workshop presentations.

Sociology Colloquium Series

Dec 2, 2009 at -

Melissa Wilde, Penn Sociology “Creating the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth: Birth Control, Eugenics and Religion in the early Twentieth Century” 113 McNeil Building 3718 Locust Walk University of Pennsylvania

Sociology Colloquium Series

Nov 18, 2009 at -

Kathleen Gerson, NYU The Unfinished Revolution: A New Generation Negotiates Gender, Work, and Family Change 113 McNeil Building 3718 Locust Walk University of Pennsylvania

Sociology Colloquium Series

Nov 4, 2009 at -

Jeffrey Goodwin, NYU “Choosing Terror as a Strategy” 113 McNeil Building 3718 Locust Walk University of Pennsylvania

Sociology Colloquium Series

Oct 28, 2009 at -

Shaun R. Harper, Penn - Graduate School of Education College Men without Gender: The Sociohistorical Origins of the Model Gender Majority Myth in American Higher Education 113 McNeil Building 3718 Locust Walk…

Sociology Colloquium Series

Oct 21, 2009 at -

Lynne Haney, New York University "Offending Women: Power, Punishment, and the Regulation of Desire." 103 McNeil Building 3718 Locust Walk University of Pennsylvania

Sociology Colloquium Series

Oct 7, 2009 at -

Karyn Lacy, University of Michigan "Growing Up Around Blacks: Strategic Assimilation in Middle-Class Suburbia" 103 McNeil Building 3718 Locust Walk University of Pennsylvania

Sociology Colloquium Series

Sep 30, 2009 at -

Omar Lizardo, Notre Dame University "Seeing Culture Like UNESCO: Uncovering the Building Blocks of Organizational Cognition during Unsettled Times." 103 McNeil Building 3718 Locust Walk University of Pennsylvania