Past Events

Education & Inequality Works in Progress: Tingting Yang Rui, PhD Student in Sociology, Penn

"Positive childhood experiences amid adversity: Examining the longitudinal associations between protective factors and adolescent developmental outcomes in rural Malawi" (manuscript for feedback)
Apr 8, 2024 at -

Education and Inequality Workshop: Spring Mini-Conference

Speakers: Dr. Aaron Benavot, Dr. Andrew Taeho Kim, Dr. Daniel Laurison, Dr. Joan Maya Mazelis, Dr. Matthew McKeever, Dr. Hyunjoon Park
Apr 5, 2024 at -

Access the Mini-Conference Program here!

CSERI, Populations Studies Center, and PMI Co-Sponsored Event:

Symposium on Immigration and the 2024 Election
Apr 2, 2024 at -

Information and Registration here.


As we look toward the 2024 U.S.…

Family & Gender Workshop: Olivia Hu, PhD Candidate in Sociology, Penn

"They Had Baby Faces Just Like Me": How East Asian Women Construct Racialized Masculinities
Mar 29, 2024 at -

Penn Sociology Colloquium Series: Simone Ispa-Landa, Associate Professor, Sociology and Human Development and Social Policy, Northwestern University

"Status, Power, and Peers: The Construction of Elite Femininities in Historically White Greek Life"
Mar 27, 2024 at -

Dr. Ispa-Landa analyzes women's sexual assault prevention efforts within historically white Greek life at an elite university. This research highlights how women's strategies for…

Education and Inequality Works in Progress: Manuel Schechtl, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality at the CUNY Graduate Center

"Understanding wealth-based social exclusion: Wealth Insufficiency Beyond Income Buffering"
Mar 25, 2024 at -

Penn Sociology Colloquium Series: Faculty Panel for Visiting Day

Professors in Sociology: Letícia Marteleto, Wendy Roth, Tukufu Zuberi
Mar 20, 2024 at -

Letícia Marteleto, Presidential Penn Compact Professor of Sociology, Talk title: "

Education and Inequality Works in Progress: Ellen Bryer, PhD Candidate, Penn Sociology

The View from the Top: The Relationship Between Parental Education and Graduate Enrollment (R&R feedback)
Mar 18, 2024 at -

Medical Sociology Workshop: Rebecca Kaufman, PhD candidate in Sociology, UCLA

“Gatekeeping Behind Bars: Assessing Mental Illness in Prison”
Mar 15, 2024 at -