Past Events

Population Studies Center Colloquium: Sonia Bhalotra, Professor of Economics, University of Essex

"Fertility Responses to Infant and Maternal Mortality: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Early 20th Century America"
Apr 14, 2014 at -

Sonia Bhalotra is Professor in the Department of Economics and a member of the Senior…

Urban Ethnography: Amada Armenta, Assistant Professor, Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

"The Deportation Machine: Policing, Color Blind Racism, and the Institutional Production of Immigrant Criminality in Nashville, TN"
Apr 11, 2014 at -


A Faculty Works-in-Progress Seminar with Kristen Harknett

"Intimate Partner Violence in the Great Recession"
Apr 11, 2014 at -

The Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies Program & the Alice Paul Center present:
"Intimate Partner Violence in the Great Recession"
Discussants: Janice Madden (…

Program on Race, Science & Society Inaugural Symposium

"The Future of Race and Science: Regression or Revolution?"
Apr 11, 2014 at -

Featuring Penn Sociology's Tukufu Zuberi and Dorothy Roberts.…

Faculty Meeting

Faculty Meeting (Standing Faculty Only)
Apr 9, 2014 at -


Population Studies Center Colloquium: Alison M. Buttenheim, Associate Professor of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania

"Who's Calling the Shots? Exemptions from School-Entry Vaccine Mandates in California"
Apr 7, 2014 at -

Dr. Alison Buttenheim received her BA from Yale University, her MBA from the Stanford University Graduate School of…

Race, Ethnicity & Immigration: Veronica Terriquez, Assistant Professor, University of Southern California

"Out of the Shadows and Out of the Closet: Queer Youth Leadership in the Immigrant Rights Movement"
Apr 4, 2014 at -


Workshop - Elizabeth Armstrong, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Michigan

"A Workshop on Conducting Cultural Sociology with Elizabeth Armstrong from the University of Michigan"
Apr 4, 2014 at -


The Wharton School Multinational Management Speaker: Wesley Longhofer, Emory University

“Abortion Liberalization in the World Polity, 1960-2009”
Apr 3, 2014 at -

  • Wesley Longhofer, Emory University: Assistant Professor of Organization & Management, Associated Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Senior Faculty Fellow, Emory Center for Ethics, Teaching Faculty…

Workshop - Population Studies Center and the Center for Advanced Study of India

Indian Demography Workshop
Apr 3, 2014 at -

In order to attend this workshop, you need to RSVP by email at <>. Seating is limited and will fill up early ~ RSVP as …