Past Events

**Cancelled due to weather** Population Studies Center Colloquium: Norbert Schady, Pricipal Economic Advisor for the Social Sector at the Inter-American Development Bank

"Can Better Teachers Compensate for Deficits in Early Childhood?" Evidence from a Randomized Experiment
Mar 3, 2014 at -

Norbert Schady is the Principal Economic Advisor for the Social Sector at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). He holds a bachelor’s degree from Yale University and a Ph.D. from Princeton University. In…

CAMRA Penn Screening Scholarship Media Festival: Tukufu Zuberi

Mar 2, 2014 at -

Camra at Penn invites you to explore how diverse and creative uses of multimedia are changing knowledge production and the research imagination, in a day of panel discussions, film screenings, sound and image…

Becoming an Adult in East Asia: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Approaches Conference

Mar 1, 2014 at -

With support from the Population Studies Center, the Center for East Asian Studies at Penn, and the Academy of Korean Studies, Hyunjoon Park has organized the conference, Becoming an Adult in East…

Panel - Gender, Sexuality & Women Studies at Penn Conference

"Race, Class, Gender and Religion"
Feb 28, 2014 at -

Melissa Wilde (organizer), Sociology, Moderator

Katie ClonanRoy and Charlotte Jacobs, Education: “Towards a Model of Positive Youth…

Culture and Interaction (Co-Sponsored by Urban Ethnography): Diane Vaughan, Professor of Sociology, Columbia University

"Mistake and Error; Risk and Stress: Air Traffic Control and the Social Transformation of Risky Work"
Feb 28, 2014 at -

Diane Vaughan received her Ph.D. in Sociology, Ohio State University, 1979, and taught at Boston College from 1984 to 2005.  During this time, she was awarded fellowships at Yale (1979-82), Centre…

Becoming an Adult in East Asia: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Approaches Conference

Feb 28, 2014 at -

With support from the Population Studies Center, the Center for East Asian Studies at Penn, and the Academy of Korean Studies, Hyunjoon Park has organized the conference, Becoming an Adult in East…

Middle East Center Graduate Student Colloquium Talk - Doga Kerestecioglu

"Secular after State-Breakdown: Political Struggles and Institution-Building in France 1789-1906, Mexico 1910-1940, Turkey 1920-1938"
Feb 26, 2014 at -


Philip Cohen, Professor of Sociology, University of Maryland

"What Happened to the Gender Revolution?"
Feb 26, 2014 at -

Philip Cohen, Professor of Sociology, University of Maryland

Penn Lightbulb Cafe: Tukufu Zuberi

"The Other African-Americans"
Feb 25, 2014 at -

Tukufu Zuberi will discuss the history of African descent populations in Latin America and why the political center of Africans and the African Diaspora is shifting to Brazil, Colombia and other…

Moorman-Simon Faculty Seminar - Kristen Harknett

"Teaching an ABCS Course for the First Time: A Success Story with Some Lessons Learned"
Feb 25, 2014 at -

Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to Tina Ciocco at the Netter Center,