XCAT Guidelines

XCAT Submissions - Please read prior to submitting:

If you are planning to study abroad, request a transfer credit from another institution, or a credit away, here are some general guidelines to abide by for submitting to XCAT: 

Please first review the guidelines from The College office about submitting XCAT Requests to departments. 

Then, submit a course syllabus for the class you are requesting credit for, and an explanation on the Sociological perspective you gained from taking this course. If you are not sure whether the course would be a good fit for your SOCI major, minor, or free elective – please reach out to our Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies, Marcus Wright, via email: marcuswr@sas.upenn.edu before you go abroad, as we are happy to put your mind at ease. Important notes: 1.) Even if the course you are submitting has been approved for another student you still need to submit with the requirements above just as everyone else does. 2.) If the course is not a general Sociology course, please be sure to explain the Sociological tools you used with your submission. We aim to take a holistic approach to evaluating credits, so we value the explanations given by students especially if the Sociology components are not outwardly apparent on the syllabus. 


Our approval limits are as follows:


SOCI MAJORS: All SOCI Majors are able to receive up to 2 Non-Methods Course Credits through XCAT to count towards their major requirements.


SOCI, LAW AND SOCIETY, and MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY MINORS: All minors under Sociology are able to receive up to 1 Non-Methods Course Credit through XCAT to count toward their minor requirements.


Students who want to count SOCI abroad courses outside of a SOCI major or minor (i.e., as free electives): You are able to receive up to 2 Non-Methods Course Credits through XCAT to count towards requirements outside of the SOCI major or minors. 


This means that technically, a Sociology major could receive 2 credits abroad toward the major and an additional 2 credits that could count outside of the major (for a total of 4 credits); a SOCI, Law and Society, or Medical Sociology minor could receive 1 credit towards their minor and 2 that count outside of their minor (for a total of 3 credits); and students who are not any of the above can receive 2 credits to count towards other majors, minors, or free electives (for a total of 2 credits).


Updated  09.01.23