Sociology PEARL Initiative

PEARL - Practical, Experiential, Applied Research and Learning

The PEARL Initiative in Sociology facilitates opportunities for students to connect sociological theory, ideas, and concepts to experiences and practice. The initiative provides structure for independent studies done for credit, pathways to conduct original research, and communities of practice for students to grow with peers. Students participating in PEARL gain valuable experience that will be helpful for their job search or continuing education post-Penn.

If you have questions about PEARL, please contact sends email).



Penn Sociology/Netter Center PEARL Partnership

Penn Sociology has partnered with the Netter Center for Community Partnerships to provide students with the opportunity to help on-campus and West Philadelphia organizations think sociologically about the challenges they face (while also earning academic credit). For more information, visit our partnership page.


Health and Healthcare Fellowship

Students explore topics and experiences in the health and healthcare fields with a cohort of students throughout the academic year. ​The fellowship is non-credit, but provides a community of practice for students interested in the intersection of health and society. Programming includes speaker and alumni panels, lunches with faculty, field trips to the medical-focused schools at Penn, book discussions, advising sessions from Career Services, and more.